Lamaisonmme as got a fresh new make over after this long and busy fashion season. We hope you like it and please please!!!! comment on it your opinion matters to us and if you don't like it TELL US!!!!! The blog will be back with daily post on monday the 12th of may were we will be looking back on the season and also looking forward to the season a head telling you are favorite trends and shows,lots of fashion news, and fashion tips so enjoy the new look and please tell us and don't forget to vote on your favorite shows and we will publish the results!!! Please always be telling us your opinion on the post the look of the blog and your opinion of the fashions you have seen over the past weeks. Enjoy also hundreds of archival post while we are offline. see you monday!!!
3/9/2012 09:14:59 pm

Who is "us"? You run this website ALONE Michael.


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