ALEXANDER THE GREAT the "prince" of downtown cool pulls of another fab cool collection it may seem very dark and gritty but is very polished and sophisticated and lots of must haves for resort in this collection!  The color palette wasn't a rainbow of interesting tones and vibrant colors it was simply very wang black and white The clothes are indulgently cool easy to wear and yes im saying this again COOL (i really need a thesaurus for other words that mean cool) 
The tailoring was cut your throat sharp! The sleekness of the lines on the jackets and pants are to much its so prefect for the cool young girl who works at some cool place downtown or some fab place uptown and when you walk in wearing something from this collection people whisper "omg shes wearing wang" and have a look of jealousy on there faces then theres that person like me who screams "OMG YOUR WEARING WANG AND LOOKING TOTESMAJOR" then girlishly scream because she looks so good. Thats my fun little fashion role play which is a little over dramatic :S
The tailored jackets and coats in killer black with sleek leather aspects soooo cool!!! 
The collection is commericail in the "omg wang" way! its fucking COOL and cool thats all i ever can say about wang its cool :S lets let the COOL looks speak for themselves so you can understand them in your own cool way in which is get there coolniss!

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